Victoria is a beautiful city. The ZooCrew has been here now for over two weeks and I have seen a visible change in all of us. We’re calm, we’re serene, we’re peaceful and we’re happy. There was a lot of work to be done leading up to the presentation of Death of a Clown at UVic. Most of us were working 12-16 hour days 6 days a week. We arrived exhausted and excited. Being here has been great for all of us.
Many of us are staying in a beautiful Bed and Breakfast called Binners. We are a block from Dallas Road and the beach. The weather has been amazing almost every day we’ve been here. We’ve been watching movies and reading and exploring and biking and walking and swimming and playing board games and eating amazing food. And in the evenings the cast does the show. Simple things, but things that we don’t often have the time to do. Things that feel like luxury.
Some of the cast wasn’t very familiar with Victoria and they’ve all commented on the peace they’ve found being here. Everything is slower and quieter. It’s going to be a shock going back to the big city.
Thanks for such a wonderful time Victoria. You’ve been good to us.