This is the awesome promo shot taken by Chris Kattner for Bridge Mix. I just love this shot. It’s a composite shot and is the result of one of the longest, coldest photo shoots we’ve ever done. So worth it though. Each of the scenes was photographed separately and Chris combined them all in to one shot in post. It’s a bit of a fun game for the eyes. Kind of like a Where’s Waldo. Here are my Where’s Waldo questions:
- Who do you think is inside the monster costume?
- Can you tell how many times Katie Takefman is in this photo? And what characters is she?
- Who are the clowns?
If you answer all of these questions correctly you can win an ITSAZOO membership! With a membership you get 2 for 1 tickets to all ITSAZOO shows and an awesome ITSAZOO button.
Have fun!