Join ITSAZOO and Savage Society as we present a staged reading of our brand new piece: The Pipeline Project. Peak oil, First Nations land claims, and climate change are explored with humour and insight in this hybrid of verbatim theatre and personal storytelling. Inspired by the Vancouver Observer’s Extract: The Pipeline Wars, the show follows three actor-playwrights as they struggle to dramatize the book while wrestling with their own compliance with fossil fuel dependency and First World privilege. At once beautiful, confrontational, and meditative, The Pipeline Project promises to be a provocative piece designed to encourage debate. This will be a great opportunity to witness a work in progress and offer insights and feedback as we move the project forward to a 2016 premiere.
Saturday, July 25th, 8pm @ The Vancity Culture lab
Reception to follow
The Cultch – 1895 Venebles
Created by and featuring Sebastien Archibald, Kevin Loring, and Quelemia Sparrow.
Directed by Chelsea Haberlin in partnership with John Cooper.
Associate produced by Neworld Theatre